Weiyu Sun

Hello! My name is Weiyu Sun.

My interests are different kinds of health-related algorithms (e.g., video-based heart rate information process) and their practical applications (e.g., using these techniques for healthcare), and Trustworthy AI (e.g., the reliability of different healthcare-related algorithms).

I earned my B.E. and M.E. degrees in Electornic & Computer Engineering at Nanjing University, where I mainly dealt with healthcare applications (e.g., non-contact health information processing, such as heart rate and ECG).

I also conducted remote teamwork as a visiting student with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou).

Currently I'm going to chase my Ph.D degree at Georgia Institute of Technology this Fall! Wishing me a smooth journey!

Email / Orcid / Google Scholar

profile photo
Research (Selected)
图像 BEEAR: Embedding-based Adversarial Removal of Safety Backdoors in Instruction-tuned Language Models
Yi Zeng*, Weiyu Sun*, Tran Ngoc Huynh Dawn Song, Bo Li, Ruoxi Jia
project page / project website

It offers a generlizable backdoor behavior mitigation method for the LLM community by effectively identifying and neutralizing backdoor fingerprints in the embedding space, without relying on assumptions about trigger characteristics or locations.

图像 Backdoor Contrastive Learning via Bi-level Trigger Optimization
Weiyu Sun, Xinyu Zhang, Hao Lu, Yingcong Chen, Jinghui Chen, Lin Lu
Accepted by ICLR 2024
project page

We propose a bi-level optimization way to generate the effective trigger pattern to enhance the robustness and effectiveness of the backdoor attack in self-supervised learning scenarios.

图像 Resolve Domain Conflicts for Generalizable Remote Physiological Measurement
Weiyu Sun, Xinyu Zhang, Hao Lu, Ying Chen, Yun Ge, Xiaolin Huang, Jie Yuan, Yingcong Chen
Accepted by ACM MM 2023
project page

We reveal two characteristic domain conflict issues in the DNN rPPG (remote photoplethysmography) model training, and propose a new training framework (DOHA) to deal with these conflicts and enhance the performance of rPPG models.

图像 Self-similarity Prior Distillation for Unsupervised Remote Physiological Measurement
Xinyu Zhang, Weiyu Sun, Hao Lu, Ying Chen, Yun Ge, Xiaolin Huang, Jieyuan, Yingcong Chen,
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

We propose a self-supervised training strategy to efficiently train the rPPG DNN model.

Personal Experience (internship, visiting scholar etc.)

Academic Life

BS. degree in Electornic Science (2015-2019)
MS. degree in Electornic Science (2019-2022)

Awards and Expertise

People's Scholarship of China, 2018;
Top 10% in China Post-graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 19th, 2022


Visiting Scholoar (online), cooperating with Yingcong Chen and Hao Lu from 2022 to 2024, the main research topic is the heart rate information analysis via facial video.

Works & Publishment

Resolve Domain Conflicts for Generalizable Remote Physiological Measurement (ACM MM 2023)
Self-similarity Prior Distillation for Unsupervised Remote Physiological Measurement (IEEE TMM)


Visiting Scholoar (online), cooperating with Jinghui Chen and Lin Lu from 2022 to 2023 (till now), the main research topic is the trustworthy AI.

Works & Publishments

Backdoor Contrastive Learning via Bi-level Trigger Optimization (ICLR 2024)


Visiting Scholoar (online), cooperating with Yi Zeng and Ruoxi Jia from 2024 (till now), the main research topic is the trustworthy AI.

Works & Publishments

BEEAR: Embedding-based Adversarial Removal of Safety Backdoors in Instruction-tuned Language Models

Thanks for you reading!
